Avaliação de desenpenho

The Succession Planning is an ongoing process. When functioning properly, identify and systematically develop the organizational capacity to meet future priorities. It also helps to ensure a solid work, hard enough to carry out the business strategy of any company and any segment of activity. Generates constant supply of talent to keep up with business growth rate.

Some positions are extremely important for a company. They are fundamental to be left vacant or without the right person (highly qualified). Therefore it is essential that the right people are occupying strategic, tactical and operational positions of a company whenever possible with high qualification.

In other words, the Succession Planning is a Career Plan in reverse way. The focus is not the future of every professional, and yes, the future of the organization.

Thus the Succession Planning can be considered the true Strategic Human Resource Planning. Your goal is to ensure that the company remains innovative, competitive, strong and always in the fullness of their potential.

With a Succession Planning, the company will be offering opportunities for people as the special talents of each one. Whoever has talent and preference for working in an Administrative area, for example, can apply for available positions in the specific area of ​​interest, such as Accounting, Finance, Human Resources. Who has potential and inclination to work in the commercial area may seek opportunities in Sales, Marketing or Customer Service.

The Succession Planning requires setting Cargos® profile developed by BOZZA – Strategic Solutions in Human Resource. With Cargos® Profile defined makes it easy to find the professional that best fits the position.

Obviously, some tools are needed to accomplish the goal of defining the positions and identify the right people.

The tools, commonly used in Selection and Training, for example, can support and facilitate the maintenance of Succession Planning, in addition to Assessment projects.

Some other tools applied by BOZZA as GiorgeOdiorne Matrix and the concept of “Nine Box” are widespread and offer strategic resources in respect of employees in companies.

Our consultants are able to support them in establishing best Succession Planning tools, considering culture, technology, processes and operation of your business.